WANDER often,
wonder ALWAYS
Walkers, hikers, ramblers and explorers, whatever terminology you prefer, Lavangen has something for you all with a myriad of mountains and forests, fjords and jagged coastlines.
In Lavangen, a trail network with great variety has been arranged. Some trails start from sea level and advance up to 1000 meters altitude. Other trails go through the cultural landscape and some follow the valley sides with waterfalls and rapids along the way.
As long as you conduct yourself considerately and carefully, the public right of access gives you the right to move about in Norway’s outlying areas all year round. The term ‘outlying areas’ refers to land that is not being used for agricultural purposes.
You can pick flowers and forage for plants, berries, mushrooms and roots of wild herbs to take home or even pick nuts if you eat them on site. There are special rules controlling the picking of cloudberries in Nordland, Troms and Finnmark counties.
This right does not encompass hunting or fishing in freshwater bodies, but everyone is allowed to fish in freshwater where fishing permits are issued. You can fish for free in saltwater throughout the year for private consumption.
You can pitch a tent anywhere you like, as long as you maintain a minimum distance of 150 metres from the nearest occupied residence or cabin. You must ask for the landowner’s permission if you intend to stay the night at the same location for more than two days. This does not apply to the high mountains or locations far away from inhabited areas.
Our favorite HIKES around LAVANGEN
Liaora Hike
– Start: Parking lot at the end of the road
– 1,6 km one way
– 45-60 min total
– Elevation 10m
– Difficulty: Easy
Follow the forest road from the parking lot. You first go up a little hill and then descend again to a mailbox and a table (bring a snack and enjoy the view). You will go after over a small bridge and a rocky area. From there the path is straight to the destination.
There a few spots on the way to fish from the shore.
You can continue 9km more to Lavangsnes, but only when the tide is low
Styggedalen Hike
– Start: Hotel Fjellkysten
– 3,3 km one way
– 1,5 – 2 hours total
– Elevation 220m
– Difficulty: Easy
Follow the forest road from the hotel to the bridge over the Styggedalselva river. The road is tractor/ATV trail, mostly dry and follow an easy terrain.
Variation: Continue 10-15 min to an other suspension bridge. And if you are looking for a bigger adventure, follow the same trail all the way to Asevatnet summit.
JOIN US on a hike with our SHEEP
Because we think hiking alone is boring, we have trained 2 (so far!) sheep to come with us on our hikes and walks in Lavangen.
Meet Cinnamon -Cinni- and Brownie -BB !
Those two backpacker have quite a few summits at their names now.
Cinni is born in May 2020, Brownie the next year. They were both rejected by their mom at birth, bottle fed by us and grew up among the pack of our 4 old dogs who taught them how to be a good dog – err sheep.
They are the mascots of Lavangen, and many hikers will recognise them on the trail. If you interested in going in an organised hike with the whole pack – err flock ! – contact us directly.
They have different personalities too. Cinni is strong, and has the stable hoof of an experienced hiker on all ground type and even deep snow. She can be stubborn at time, but can be unexpectdly neddy and will melt under well placed scratches and when offered her favorite treat : sheep power food pallets.
Brownie is all around as sweet as a marshmallow. Full of innocence youth, he often watches the dogs playing together, wondering how to join in. Living for food, he is an escape artist and a full believer that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
If you want to see all of their adventures:
JOIN US on a hike with our SHEEP

Because we think hiking alone is boring, we have trained 2 (so far!) sheep to come with us on our hikes and walks in Lavangen.
Meet Cinnamon -Cinni- and Brownie -BB !
Those two backpackers have quite a few summits at their names now.
Cinni is born in May 2020, Brownie the next year. They were both rejected by their mom at birth, hence bottle fed by us and grew up among the pack of our 4 old dogs who taught them how to be a good dog – err sheep.
They are the mascots of Lavangen, and many hikers will recognise them on the trail. If you interested in going in an organised hike with the whole pack – err flock ! – contact us directly.
They have different personalities too. Cinni is strong, and has the stable hoof of an experienced hiker on all ground type and even deep snow. She can be stubborn at time, but can be unexpectdly neddy and will melt under well placed scratches and when offered her favorite treat : sheep power food pallets.
Brownie is all around as sweet as a marshmallow. Full of inocence youth, he often watches the dogs playing together, wondering how to join in. Living for food, he is an escape artist and a full believer that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
If you want to see all of their adventures: